Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion, Volume 1R. Milliken and Son, 1833 - 245 pages |
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Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion Joseph Blanco White No preview available - 2019 |
Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion Joseph Blanco White No preview available - 2022 |
Common terms and phrases
acquainted ancient answer Apostles argument Augustin authority believe Bishop Bishop of Rome called Captain Cusiack Christ Christian Church infallibility Church of England Church of Rome clergy confess controversialist Council of Trent Councils danger daughter declaration divine doctrines doubt ecclesiastical Editor Emperor error established evil existence fact faith Father Sohan fear feeling Fitzgerald Gospel hand heart heaven heresy heretics Holy Irenĉus Irish Gentleman Irish Traveller Jerom Jovinian judgment kind light manuscript means men in black mind moral mother never notion opinions orthodox pain Papias party passage persecuting person pious Pope practices present priest principle proof Protestantism Protestants prove question readers reason reject religion religious Roman Catholic Rose Cusiack Scripture seems soul spirit supposed Synesius Tertullian testantism Theodosian code Theodosius theological thing thought tion tradition true truth unity Universal Church Vigilantius Virgin vows wish words writers zeal
Popular passages
Page 200 - And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth : for it is not fit that he should live.
Page 64 - But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Page 109 - For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
Page 213 - Habeant istiusmodi laudatores suos et sub virginali nomine lucrosius pereant : libenter talibus non placemus. 14. Pudet dicere, pro nefas! Triste, sed verum est : unde in ecclesias agapetarum pestis introiit ? Unde sine nuptiis aliud nomen uxorum ? Immo unde novum concubinarum genus? Plus inferam: unde meretrices univirae ? Eadem domo, uno cubiculo, saepe uno tenentur et lectulo, et suspiciosos nos vocant, si aliquid aestimemus.
Page 235 - Alexandriae episcopum virum apostolicae sanctitatis, hoc est, ut secundum apostolicam disciplinam evangelicamque doctrinam patris et filii et spiritus sancti unam deitatem sub parili maiestate et sub pia trinitate credamus.
Page 244 - Paschce, ne expectata diu adulterorum desideria compleantur ; ne occasionem peccandi uxor inveniat, ne maritali non possit recludi clave- Ardentius expetitur quidquid est rarius.
Page 241 - That the honours paid to the rotten bones and dust of the saints and martyrs, by adoring, kissing, wrapping them up in silk and vessels of gold, lodging them in their churches, and lighting up wax candles before them, after the manner of the heathens, were the ensigns of idolatry. That the celibacy of the clergy was a heresy, and their vows of chastity the seminary of lewdness. That to...
Page 230 - ... shall yield twenty,five measures of wine ; and when any of the saints shall go to pluck a bunch, another bunch will cry out, I am better; take me, and bless the Lord through me. In like manner a grain of wheat sown shall bear 10,000 stalks, each stalk 10,000 grains, and each grain 10,000 pounds of the finest flour ; and so all other fruits, seeds, and herbs, in the same proportion, &c.
Page 9 - ... consequently true. This the writer does entirely, at least to his own satisfaction, which is the case, we believe, with controversial writers generally. The book concludes with the following words, addressed to the Catholic Church, which his after-life proves to have been earnest and sincere : — ' In the shadow of thy sacred mysteries let my soul henceforth repose, remote alike from the infidel who scoffs at their darkness, and the rash believer who would pry into its recesses.
Page 193 - Revelation," and a work entitled " A Treatise on the Nature and Causes of Doubt in Religious Questions." But let me deal honestly with you, as your friend. Hare you all this supposed difficulty about the evidence and the truth of Christianity? Or is your hesitancy of a very different order ? Do you feel a repugnance to the holy requirements of Christianity, and a consequent dread of the judgments which...